If I could hug this author, I would. Just the preface of her book alone had me in tears as I could relate to her story about her late husband's toxic encephalopathy, as I believe this is what has been plaguing me, especially since the mid-90's. A SPECT scan of my brain back in 2006 showed reduced blood flow to various areas of my brain, and even the SPECT machine seemed to trigger symptoms in me - as soon as the technician flipped the switch to perform the scan, I was hit with an instantaneous agitation and an urge to urinate which took every bone in my body to control.
My pets have been dropping like flies since the mid-90's - fatty liver disease, FIP, renal failure, bladder stones, tumors, heart attacks, chronic infections - the list goes on - many of them young pets. One of the cats that died began spraying the corners of my home one year prior to his death, almost as if to warn me of the dangers.
My sister lost two young cats over the summer to some mysterious illness causing weakness in the hind legs. The onset of their very first symptoms coincided perfectly with the installation of a cell phone mast behind her home.
My ex-husband had a glioma removed back in 2007 - he was a heavy cell phone user (and still is) and spent 6 years in the Navy working on radar, of all things.
I never used a cell phone myself, but I did use a cordless phone heavily (every bit as bad). I now suffer with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity which I now believe is related to underlying toxic encephalopathy (perhaps even an impending tumor), just as the author's late husband had. Basically, I can feel cell phone and wifi towers signals in the form of the most bizarre symptoms that no doctor yet has even tried to explain. I've tried discussing my concerns with doctors, but they just don't seem to hear me over all the radiowaves.
I worry now about some 'insignificant findings' over the years with me - blood in my left ear, a sore deep inside my left nostril (I used to hold the phone to my left ear), elevated eosinophils, and this conspicuous grey-brown staining along the backs of my front teeth that tastes like metallic chemicals.
I also battle chronic Lyme - a bug that has this 'amazing' ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (or did we give it some help?) Microorganisms of all kinds have been proven to respond to EMR.
The honey bees are dying of Colony Collapse Disorder. The bats in the northeastern U.S. are all dying of White Nose Syndrome. I applaud the author for her selflessness in writing this well-documented, no-nonsense book on the deception, right up there with the best. You will not be disappointed.